Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Cecilia in December 2012

Here are a few random pics and videos of Cecilia in December 2012.

Here she is going crazy on the bed!!

Doc McStuffins (Disney) became one of her favorite cartoons, and Daddy was so nice as to download a bunch of them onto his iPad for her to watch. The music in the show is actually fantastic, and she learned the theme song pretty quick.

By now, many of you know that Cecilia just doesn't require as much sleep as a 3 or 4 year old normally requires. It is not uncommon for us to go into her room and find her playing by herself, often as late as 10:30 or 11pm. Sometimes she's reading a book, but more often, she is playing with her stuffed animals. For this particular night, I remember she had arranged them all and said they were going to school.

She now probably has close to 30-40 animals on her bed, including her huge bear, and sometimes she drags up a toy stroller and some other things. There's sometimes barely enough room to sleep! Here are another few shots where she had arranged her animals late at night:

Finally - here is Cecilia with her new cow sleeping bag from Carol Trombino, at Aaron and Jacob's new house.

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