Saturday, February 20, 2010

Swimming Class

One of the most fun things I've gotten to do with Cecilia these past 6 weeks is swim class with Cecilia. We're in the Parents and Tots division at the Fitness and Recreation Department at Boston University. It's half an hour, and we do fun exercises (ring-around-the rosie, jumps, blastoffs from the wall, blowing bubbles, etc). I think we've both had a ton of fun. :)

Today was the last day, and all the babies got a special treat - they all got to ride in this special floating boat all the way around this river that's part of the pool. She loved it!

I think we're going to sign up for these again! Maybe Daddy will join in too.... :)

Here are more pictures.

Family Time

Here are some pictures from last night - a fun Friday night at home.

I'm a Big Girl Now

85th percentile for height and 70th for weight, at the nine month checkup.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Grandpa Stops a Tantrum

This was from January when everyone was in Cambridge.

More New Toys

Dear Auntie Jen and Uncle Ben - Thanks for all my new toys!

Jumping Video

She didn't quite get the point of this thing, but I can definitely see more of it in her future...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

One Step Too Far

We were all at Summer Shack with Ben, the boys, and Jerry tonight and Ben asked Jacob, in a joking way, what he would do if "someone messed with cc". Jacob gave a funny response...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

More Snow Suits

This one is definitely the best - thanks Uncle Richard!

These are my Books

One of her new favorite games is to pull her books off the shelves and wave them around (and occasionally try and eat one). Here is the whole sequence.

Grandma Heaven