Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Not a Baby Anymore

Following up on Joanne's last post, we can definitively say Cecilia is no longer a baby. "Baby" is a word she knows, and when she sees one she likes to point at them and say it. On Monday I was in the playground with her and there was a little stroller which she kept pointing at and saying "baby, baby, baby" over and over again, because I guess she knew it was a stroller for a baby.

So I asked her, "Is Cecilia a baby?" and she replied with conviction "no!". Then I asked her, "Is Cecilia a little girl?", and she replied "yeah". So I guess that settles it, baby Cecilia has grown up to be a little girl.


  1. I have been telling everyone that Cecelia has 7 words: mama dada yes no more mine and down.

    And with these words, she rules the world. This post proves my point

    Aunt Arlene

  2. She definitely rules at least two adults. And maybe more. :)
