In the past, Cecilia has always really wanted to do a lot of the things offered at this farm, but when actually faced with it, has been a little timid. But now it seems she's growing up pretty fast...
The first thing we had to do, of course, was to feed the animals.
Look at that cow's big long tongue!
Cecilia also went on a pony ride, and this was the first time she wasn't afraid to ride all by herself! In fact, she was adamant I not walk with her.

There were a lot of spontaneous activities at the farm...such as a decorate your own cupcake event, which they announced over the load speakers as a surprise. And then tons of little kids descended upon the picnic tables where they had it all set up, including Cecilia of course:

They also had a station where you could paint your own face, or have your Mommy do it for you. I did the best I could... She wanted a blue and yellow butterfly all over her face.
There was also a nice playground and stream that kids could play in. Cecilia loves the water, and there were fishing poles you could play with and everyone had their shoes off to wade through the stream.
Part of the playground was also a bouncy castle! Actually, it was a bouncy cow on its back, but you can't really tell that from the pics or videos. Cecilia LOVED this. It's the first time she has gotten to go in one, and if you can't hear in the video, there's a part where she says "Daddy! Daddy! What is THIS called? It's fun!!" She must have stayed in there 30 minutes the first time. And we had to go back for a second round of bouncy castle at the end of the day too. I wouldn't be surprised if her legs were sore the next day.
It was getting pretty late in the day by then... some of the last activities we did included milking a sheep. To be honest I think Cecilia had more fun milking the fake cow:
There were some really friendly miniature horses that we petted too:
Last, but not least, one of the highlights of the day for Cecilia was holding a baby goat. She never would have had the guts to do this a year ago. If you can't tell, the baby goat is struggling to get away for most of the time, and Cecilia has a death grip on it. It's super cute though when it starts to eat Cecilia's hair.
I also have to include this photo of this amazing white peacock that was strutting its stuff:
What a fantastic day!
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