Monday, October 17, 2011

At the circus

Last night we went to the Barnum and Bailey's, Ringling Brothers circus with Jen, Aaron and Jacob. We had to rush because we were all running a little late, so when we popped into the arena, it was already dark and incredibly loud. I was a little worried at first because when we first got in, Cecilia was a little anxious and said she wanted to go back outside. We had to go back out anyways to get to the right seats, and when we got back in, her eyes were riveted on the parading elephants, clowns, acrobats, etc. And they stayed riveted. She didn't take her eyes off the show once, except for maybe a couple minutes while she was eating a sno-cone from Jen.

Cecilia sat on Mommy's lap most of the time, and her little body was dancing to the music the whole time and she kept exclaiming things and pointing, and was obviously really excited about it all. When we asked her what her favorite part was, she said it was all the dancing people. :) Her parents enjoyed it quite a lot too. Some of the things the people do are so amazing now! Even though a lot of the acts are similar, the whole thing is pretty different from the circus when we went to when we were younger (and it's the same company and everything). It's a lot flashier and showier and noisier, which is fine. The boys seemed to really like it too. Aaron's favorite part was the guy in a cage with 10 huge tigers, making them do tricks. That freaked Mommy out a little bit and I have to admit, I was ready to cover Cecilia's eyes in the event of a mauling. Jacob's favorite part was 7 guys on motorcycles riding around really fast in this impossibly small ball. I have no idea how they do that!

Although lighting was bad, and it's really noisy, here are a couple videos of Cecilia during the motorcycle show. The things to note are that even though she occasionally takes a bite of her chicken finger, she never takes her eyes off the show. And she gets excited and claps with the audience pretty readily:

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