Speaking of Halloween, I have a story to share about Cecilia that night:
She was an absolute maniac. The older boys ran off really quick and we couldn't quite keep up. But once she went to the first house and realized that she got to pick a piece of candy and have people fawn over how cute she was in her monkey costume, she wanted to do nothing else. She went to as many houses as her little legs would take her, until she was practically wobbling as she tried to climb the stairs. And all she would say was "more! more!"
This is generally how it went -
Me: Cecilia, say "trick or treat!"
Cecilia: (silent)
Me (to owner of house): Sorry, she can't say that yet...
Me (to Cecilia): Cecilia, do you want to pick out a piece of candy?
Cecilia: Yeah! (picking out a piece of candy)
Me: Cecilia, say thank you!
Cecilia: Welcome! (how she says thank you)
Me: Cecilia, what does a monkey say?
Cecilia: oo oo oo
Owner of house: Oh my gosh, that is -so- cute. Here, have some extra candy!
By the end of the night, she didn't even have strength left to stand. And because she had gotten so much extra candy, she ended up with almost as much as Aaron and Jacob! They were eating a few pieces when we got back home, so I gave her a lollipop and we bundled her up pretty quickly to go back home. She finished her lollipop, but fell asleep pretty fast, with the lollipop stick still in her hand, halfway up to her open mouth. When we got home, I tried to pry the lollipop stick out of her hand, and she woke up, cried a big cry of protest, stuck the empty lollipop stick back in her mouth, and promptly fell back asleep. And this time she was dead asleep. I carried her upstairs, took her out of clothes, changed her diaper, put her into pajamas, and put her down in the crib, all without her even stirring. I don't think I've ever seen her as tired as that night. :)